Legal Update: New Law on Protection of Competition enters into force
On 13 May 2022, the Assembly of Kosovo approved Law No. 08/L-056 on Protection of Competition (the “Law”), thereby abolishing the old Law, which was in force from October 2010. The newly approved law aims at a larger approximation of this legal framework to the EU Rules on this matter, as well as an increase […]
The new Law on Patents enters into force in Kosovo
Law No. 08/L-059 on Patents (“Law on Patents”) was approved by the Assembly of Kosovo. Without exception to this case, the drafters of the Law ensured its approximation with the EU acquis. Though not significantly different from the previous law that was in force since 2011, the new law is more rigid when it comes […]
Tax Alert: Foreign Electronic Services Providers are obliged to register for Value Added Tax at Kosovo’s Tax Authority
In light of the digital increase of supply of services, on February 14, 2022, Kosovo’s Tax Authority published an announcement which reminds that all foreign businesses that supply services electronically have an obligation to register for value-added tax (“VAT”) in Kosovo. Such registration may take place either by appointment of a fiscal representative in Kosovo […]
The Law on Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions enters into force
On 23 December 2021, the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo approved the Law No.08/L-022 on Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions (“LEITSET”). This law regulates electronic identification, as usage of data to represent natural or legal persons, as well as usage of trust services in electronic transactions and documents. The law entered […]
Pronësia e Aksioneve nga Punonjësit në kompani sipas ligjit në Kosovë
RPHS Law Programet për Pronësinë e Aksioneve nga Punonjësit – PPAP, (ang. Employment Stock Ownership Plan – ESOP), është një plan përfitues që ofrohet nga kompania në mënyrë që t’u ofroj punonjësve mundësinë që të kenë të drejtën në pronësinë e aksioneve të kompanisë. Qëllimi i këtij plani është të mundësoj fuqizimin e punonjësve, mbajtjen […]
Legal Overview of Construction of New Buildings and Housing in Kosovo
Acquisition of property ownership in Kosovo is regulated by the Law on Property and Other Real Rights. The Law on Property, along with the Law on Cadaster, sets out the process of acquisition and registration of property in Kosovo. The Law on Property regulates the creation, content, transfer, protection, and termination of real rights, while […]
Kosova bëhet me investitorin e dytë strategjik
RPHS Law ka asistuar me sukses konzorciumin MOXICO LUMA KOSOVA MINING nga Mbretëria e Bashkuar dhe Polonia, për të marrë Statusin e Investitorit Strategjik sipas Ligjit për Investimet Strategjike në Republikën e Kosovës. Konzorciumi do të zhvilloj projektin investues VICIANUM MINING PROJECT në rajonin e Mitrovicës dhe Vushtrrisë. Shuma e përgjithshme e investimit pritet të […]
The Buzz in Kosovo: Interview with Mentor Hajdaraj of RPHS Law
Draft legislation, including a draft law to create a Commercial Court and a draft Civil Code, is at the top of the agenda for lawyers in Kosovo, according to Ramaj, Palushi, Hajdari & Salihu Partner Mentor Hajdaraj, who also points to several ongoing foreign investment disputes of significance to the country’s overall FDI strategy. The proposed creation of a […]
The Buzz in Kosovo: Interview with Fisnik Salihu of RPHS Law
“The current political situation in Kosovo is fragile, since the assembly, in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, dismissed the government of Prime Minister Albin Kurti in a no-confidence vote on March 25, 2020, triggering a huge political crisis in the country,” says Fisnik Salihu, Partner at the RPHS Law Firm in Pristina. The government […]
Regulation of the prices of pharmaceutical products in Kosovo
RPHS Law Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kosovo (MoH) today has published the Prices of Pharmaceutical Products for sale in the Kosovo market, this as part of a major reform of pharmaceutical sector foreseen under Administrative Instruction 02/2019. This publications sets and fixes: A) the maximum purchase price (price ceiling) for medicinal products […]